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7 New Year’s Resolutions Seniors Should Bring to Ring in the New Decade

2019 is about to leave us, and 2020 is just around the riverbend. It’s time to start over with a fresh new beginning, dream big about our ambitions, and to bond more with our dear relatives and friends. At Baxter’s Anchorage Senior Living, we believe that no age is too golden to create golden goals and New Year’s resolutions. As December and 2019 comes to an end, this is always the perfect time to review your life goals with your loved ones and to determine changes and improvements to make. Making a New Year resolutions list with your family builds bonds, which are essential for you to age gracefully.

Baxter Assisted Living in Anchorage, AK believes that seniors can benefit by sharing their resolutions with their families, so that 2020 may be their best year yet. 

Ø  Resolutions Give Purpose

Well, if for no other reason, we encourage our seniors to create resolutions so that they may have goals and a sense of purpose in their lives. As a result, our seniors will be more likely to have greater health literacy, and less likely to develop depression, senior isolation and loneliness, and Alzheimer’s, as compared to others without New Year’s resolutions. Our Anchorage senior living residence encourages our Alaskan seniors to write down their new year’s resolutions to encourage a sense of self-discipline, diligence, and increased happiness.

Share New Year Resolutions with Your Family

You can efficiently work together with your family to partake in important decisions, create resolutions together, and be proud of your achievements towards improved self-awareness. Since your family understands you well, they can help you brainstorm practical resolutions that best fit your lifestyle and tendencies.

Noteworthy Ideas for Your New Year’s Resolutions

Baxter Senior Living suggests noteworthy ideas to our seniors who reside in our assisted living and dementia memory care communities, to help begin their year on a worthy note. We encourage these ideas to help our Alaskan senior citizens improve their health literacy, self-awareness, memory, and wellbeing. We believe that this is the ideal time for seniors to reflect on their goals as a family and to work towards transforming those goals into reality.

1.     Explore Senior Living Options

One of the resolutions you should not forget to include in your list is visiting Alaska. Seniors who are approaching retirement age should visit our Anchorage Senior Living so they may enjoy the quality care they deserve as they age. It is the perfect time to explore this option if you have not thought about life after retirement.

2. Schedule Your Health Check Up Appointment

You need to work on your health this year, more than ever before.  Make sure you get your annual health assessment and physical examination so that your doctor may use their health assessment questionnaire to spot check your health check, to prevent any potential concerns, and to explore cures and treatment options. Seniors who transition into Alaskan assisted living facilities receive frequent medical checkups to prevent and treat any major medical problems. At Baxter Senior Living, we help our Alaskan senior residents to improve their health literacy, take their medications faithfully and as prescribed, and we offer the necessary immediate appropriate care for our sick seniors.

3.     Spend More Time with Your Grandchildren

Elderly adults admit that nothing is comparable to spending quality time with their grandchildren. However, do not wait until you have special occasions in your family for you to meet and spend time with the grandkids. Create and follow through with your new year’s resolution to meet your grandchildren often and interact with them regularly. You can be sure to strengthen the bond with your grandchildren, which is essential for reducing the risks of dementia, senior isolation, and loneliness.

4.     Try a New Hobby

New learning for seniors increases cognitive health. That is why our Alaskan assisted living facility encourages our senior residents to try out new hobbies or to learn new skills. Try out the hobby you have always wanted to, but there was just never enough time. You will enjoy the opportunity to meet new fellow members of your generational cohort, create and maintain friendships, and potentially even visit new places. This resolution is an excellent way to improve your memory in the future and to reduce the risks of dementia. You can sign up for a cooking or sowing class, book reading or dance club, or a swimming or hiking club in your neighborhood. You can contact Baxter Assisted living in Anchorage AK to learn ways to help you start your research about senior clubs or a new hobby you would like to try out in the new year.

5.     Create or Update Your Legal Documents

You may not be concerned with most legal documents, until you truly need them. However, make it your mission to stay proactive as it is always better to be prepared then to encounter a situation when it may be too late. Consider learning more about advanced directives, wills, and considering who you will select as your power of attorney. Some states also have state specific information, so be sure to ask your doctor or lawyer about these documents. Also, if you created the documents several years ago, then it may be wise to review and update them often to ensure all information is accurate and current.

6. Explore New Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is an excellent way of maintaining your civic involvement and fulfilling your role as a contributing member to your community. It also serves as a great way to boost your health. Volunteering opportunities provide seniors with a sense of accomplishment, brings fulfillment, and boosts self-confidence. You also get to interact with other like-minded seniors or other individuals, which is excellent for your mental health. Baxter Senior housing anchorage Alaska can assist you in getting involved in volunteer work in your neighborhood.

7.     Learn How to Use the Latest Technology

Staying in touch with your family and friends has several health benefits for seniors. The Internet is a great way to connect with family and friends. Social media and video chatting make it easier to keep in touch with your loved ones. Otherwise, you might become socially isolated, which can cause memory loss and depression. You have probably noted the increasing number of seniors on social media, and you may have engaged in video chat sessions. Ask your family for a tech lesson and start connecting with your friends and family virtually today. However, don’t forget the importance of in-person quality time with your loved ones. Try to visit your loved ones as often as possible, or ask them to visit you.

A Note to Remember

The challenging part is not about making the resolutions but sticking it out and achieving them, there may be challenges and struggles but do not give up. To help you achieve these resolutions, focus on their array of benefits, and discover your motivation to help you achieve your feats and celebrate with great feasts. You can talk with our senior caregiver experts at Baxter Senior Living Anchorage to help you create your New Year resolutions list as you prepare to ring in 2020.

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