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Assisted Living in Anchorage, Alaska

If you are helping a senior family member or loved one make a choice about in-home care in Anchorage, there are many options to consider. No matter where you are in the journey, assisted living can sound like a very scary topic.

The biggest reason for the unfounded fear is that assisted living gets confused with the traditional “nursing home.” This is just not accurate. Assisted living and a nursing home are completely different types of institutions. Patients in a nursing home require around the clock medical monitoring and care while residents at an assisted living community usually have their own residence where they can easily receive assistance so they can continue the lifestyle they enjoy.

In many cases, seniors find that an assisted living community gives them more independence than struggling with in-home care would. A senior living community like Baxter Senior Living provides residents with an opportunity to live a mostly independent lifestyle by maintaining accessible facilities and a caring staff.

Seniors are encouraged to do all of the daily activities that they can and want to do while also knowing friendly professionals are there to provide help, if need be. Your loved one will be able to request help easily and without feeling like they have a babysitter or are becoming a burden.

What is it Like to Move into an Assisted Living Community in Anchorage?

Moving into an assisted living community comes with many of the same excitements and anxieties that starting school did as a child. There will be a new environment, a new routine and lots of new people! One of the best parts about helping your senior family member or loved one move into a senior living community is how welcoming everyone is!

Your loved one and family will have an opportunity to meet the new care team and be educated on the policies of the staff and community. Your loved one and family will get familiar with the services available to them at the assisted living facility as well as with their new residence. Bring favorite or sentimental items to make the new apartment feel like home or bring a small pet for company! A lot of senior communities welcome small pets, and some even have special features for them.

There will be lots of help getting settled in and helping the family find their way around. Take the time to get to know the members of the staff so you can rest assured that your loved one is in the best care possible in your absence.

What is Senior Living Like in an Assisted Living Community in Anchorage?

In-home care is when a family member or home health aide comes to the patient’s house to visit and help with activities of daily living and maybe some shopping or light housework. Senior living at an assisted living community is a completely different experience!  Your loved one will be able to do the things they want to do, while having assistance for the activities they need some help with or can no longer do for themselves. When you visit, instead of spending time trying to help care for your loved one, you can actually spend time visiting with your loved one making precious memories.

A major advantage of living in an assisted living community is that it really enhances the social lives and activity levels of seniors. The accessibility of the apartments allows for more physical activity in a safe environment, as opposed to the many hazards posed by an older home and sporadic Home Health Aide visits with in-home care. Seniors become friends with the nurses and aides at an assisted living community and are comfortable asking for help when they need it, instead of fearing that they are being a burden by making requests of loved ones.

Family is wonderful, but many seniors find it incredibly enriching to spend time with other seniors because they can relate to each other on a different level. The senior living atmosphere fosters friendships and camaraderie among the residents. The residents celebrate birthdays and holidays together. They attend fun community events together. Living in an assisted living community encourages seniors to be active and social by offering activities like morning stretch, crafter’s corner and movie matinee. For residents at Baxter Senior Living, assisted living in Anchorage presents unique opportunities like bus trips to  Portage Glacier, Hatcher Pass, and  Pyrah’s Pioneer Peak Farm.

What About Memory Care?

Baxter Senior Living offers many types of services including memory care, high acuity care and respite care. Memory care differs from the other services because it centers more around things like redirection and reminders while also offering assistance with activities of daily living. Memory care residents also receive wellness checks, help with diabetes management and other conditions, transportation to local doctor appointments and social outings. If you are looking for memory care in Anchorage this is the place to be! Respite and acuity care are also available when needed.

Where Do We Start?

It starts with a conversation. Decisions are never made in a vacuum. There are a lot of elements to consider. Talk with your senior family member or loved one. Make sure they know and understand all of their options. Generally speaking, when a senior needs more help than a couple of hours a day with a Home Health Aide visit, needs help during more than common business hours or is starting to feel or become homebound, it is time to consider an assisted living community.

If you are considering assisted living in Anchorage, call or fill out an online request form and schedule a visit to Baxter Senior Living. Come for a virtual visit and see our amazing campus that includes a full service hair and nail salon, a cafe and bar, a walking path and so much more! You can discuss what kind of personal care plan would best enable your loved one to live the highest quality of life possible. You can trust your senior loved one is living their best life at Baxter Senior Living in Anchorage!


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