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Best Senior Living in Alaska

Best Senior Living in Alaska
When you think outside of the box you can create amazing things. Baxter Senior Living was created and designed with home in mind. We feel Alaskans deserve a place that isn’t a typical assisted living home.

We wanted to create a place that comfort, sleek design, unparalleled advancements were captured. Things often unheard of in a typical assisted living facility.
We don’t say this to brag but to express the emphasis we put into the details of not only the structure of the community but the family we’ve employed to serve you.
Please stop by for a tour. We love sharing what many many Alaskans were a part of building and now maintaining. We invite you to meet our amazing staff. Who walk around with smiles to greet you and are genuinely happy to be at work.
This is the soul of our community…..and we would love to meet you.
Plus we have a coffee bar and HUGE scrabble game 🙂
#baxterseniorliving #anchorage #alaska #seniorlivingcommunity #home #seniorcare



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