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Senior Care Tips: How to Deal with a Loved One’s Memory Loss as They Age

How to Deal with a Loved One’s Memory Loss

Memory loss is a common concern for families with loved ones living in senior care Anchorage Alaska facilities. Whether the memory loss is an early warning sign of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, or just a sign a family member’s mind is beginning to slow, the gradual loss of memories can be quite difficult to accept. If you have an absent-minded loved one living in an assisted living facility or retirement home, following are a few ways you can learn to deal with their gradual memory loss: Seek Professional Guidance Not every “senior moment” or memory loss is the result of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Some loss of memory can be attributed to medication troubles or chemical imbalances caused by vitamin deficiencies. Before you start worrying about your loved one’s memory mishaps, seek professional guidance from their trusted health care providers. Ask their family physician to run a series of memory tests and ask about diagnostic scans like x-rays and MRIs to rule out Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The more effort you put into finding answers at the first sign of memory loss, the greater your odds of easing your anxiety over your loved one’s failing memory. Ask Nursing Staff about Scheduled Memory Tests If your family member lives in a senior facility with in-house nursing staff, ask the nurses about having your loved one tested for memory loss on a regular basis. Some facilities offer memory tests for seniors as a regular part of their provided nursing care. These tests are painless and usually involve having your loved one answer questions about birthdays, anniversaries, or special events in their life. Create Your Own Memory Tests and Play Brain-Training Games  For family members concerned about their loved one’s memory loss, playing brain-training games or creating memory tests are two additional options to try. Brain-training games can be as simple as memorizing playing cards placed face down on a table. You can create your own memory tests using questions about family pets, childhood home locations, or reciting the names of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. The anxiety you feel over a loved one’s memory loss is completely normal. You don’t have to live with the increasing anxiety if you’re willing to be proactive in your approach to getting answers and help for your family member. Remember these three tips for families with loved ones in senior care and you’ll feel much less trepidation as your family member ages.
Baxter Senior Living is a Senior Housing Community that will be located in Anchorage, Alaska off of Baxter Road. If you are seeking Anchorage Senior Housing, or Assisted Living Facilities in Anchorage please contact us today to make your reservations. Baxter Senior care is also providing Memory Care in Anchorage (907) 891-9696 or fill out our contact form and we will be in touch! contact us Learn more about Baxter Senior Living Alaska Memory Care Services and Facilities #seniorcare #anchorageassistedliving #alaskaassistedliving #eldercare #memorycareanchorage #memorycare #anchorage #alaska #baxterseniorliving #seniorliving #Alzheimerdisease #love

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