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What is Dementia?

dementia care in anchorage
  • According to the Alzheimer’s Association, dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Memory loss is an example. Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia.
  • Memory loss that disrupts daily life may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s or another dementia.
  • Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills.
  • Dementia is not a specific disease. It’s an overall term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform everyday activities.
  • Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 60 to 80 percent of cases.
  • Dementia is often incorrectly referred to as “senility” or “senile dementia,” which reflects the formerly widespread but incorrect belief that serious mental decline is a normal part of aging.


Would you like to schedule a consultation with our Baxter Senior Living team about dementia care in anchorage? contact us today 
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