Family obligations can really put pressure on a person. Your parents raised you, and you want to do everything for them that you can, especially if they want to continue to live at home but they need some help. However, you have plenty on your plate. You probably work full-time and are raising a family. You have your own home to care for, not to mention taking care of your childhood home too.
Because of this, many caregivers get burnt out. They try to do it all, and it quickly becomes too much. However, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to raise your family while caring for aging parents.
Don’t be afraid to ask others for help.
You truly don’t have to do everything yourself. You probably have a sibling or two who can help with your parents and their home. If not, you might have another relative who would be able to pitch in with your parents.
The same can be said around your own home. Ask your spouse and children to help around the house. They can help with meals, do a few loads of laundry, and straighten up around the house. You don’t have to put it all on your shoulders (and you shouldn’t)!
Even if you have to pay for it!
That being said, you don’t have to just rely on your family. You may want to hire someone to mow your parent’s lawn because you have too many other things to do. You might want to hire someone to mow yours while they are at it! Hire a maid to come in and straighten up once a week at either place (or both of them).
Caregiving too much for you? Don’t hesitate to contact an agency for advice. Many offer customizable plans depending on your parent’s needs. Do you just need a companion for your parents while you go to work? Do you need someone to live there full-time to make sure that they are safe? Maybe you would feel more comfortable having someone spend the night there. Caregiving may also be hard on your relationship, so it might be better to hire someone else to handle that.
Don’t forget about yourself.
Though you may possibly feel like there is no time left in the day, you need to find ways to take care of yourself. If you don’t, there is no way that you are going to be able to keep up the pace and try to do as much as you possibly can. Find time to unwind every day. Make sure that you eat as healthily as possible and take a few walks a week to stay in shape. You will be glad that you did.
It is important that you remember that you don’t have to do it all! Ask your siblings and other relatives to pitch in. You may also want to hire some help to take some of the pressure off, whether you just hire someone to mow the lawn and clean the house, or you need a caregiver so you can rest easy at night.
Find the Best Assisted Living Community in Anchorage
Anchorage Assisted living allows you to live independently while also having a valuable support system.
Anchorage has a rapidly aging population. This means that there are a lot of options for seniors living in Alaska. Assisted living is one of the best in-home care alternatives that we provide.
If you want to learn more about Baxter Senior Living and the services we provide, contact us today.