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Take Pride in Your Maturity


The older you are, the more life experience you clock up, and experience brings maturity and wisdom, so if you’re in your senior years, you’ll have much to offer. It’s no coincidence that people of retirement age hold many high offices around the world. Just take a look at the seniors on this high-status list, and you’ll see the value placed on maturity like yours.

• Heads of state: 

nation-leaders tend to be elderly, or at least aged the further side of 50. President Trump is in his seventies, for instance, and so is his recent election rival, Hillary Clinton. There are many older national leaders around the world, too, including quite a few in their 80s. The UK’s Queen Elizabeth II is in her 90s and still serving, and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, didn’t retire from public duties until the age of 96.

• Senior judges: 

to qualify for senior status, federal judges in the USA have to be at least 65 years old. This lower age limit reflects the value placed on the maturity of judgment. The late Wesley E. Brown, who became the nation’s most elderly federal judge, was still hearing criminal cases at over 100 years old.

• Company chairmen: 

the average age of a company chairman is estimated as approximately 63, and is on the rise. That shows the importance attached to wisdom and experience in selecting candidates for the position. Many people serve on boards and committees for different businesses and projects well into their retirement.

• Religious leaders:

Christian figureheads, such as bishops and archbishops, are predominantly of the older generation, with an average age in the USA of around 64 years, studies show. At the top of the church hierarchy, the pope is 80 years old (at the time of writing). Leaders of other religions also tend to be in their senior years, demonstrating the maturity required for these specialized roles.

Grandparents also hold highly responsible roles

If you’re a grandparent, contributing to your grandchildren’s care, you’re holding down a highly responsible role, like the others on this list. School teachers readily acknowledge the valuable contribution made by grandparents to the educational and personal development of their students, and welfare organizations often involve grandparents in resolving child-related issues. Incidentally, if you’re contributing to a child’s upbringing as an aunt, uncle, godparent or family friend, rather than as a grandparent, your role is equally valuable, of course.

Be proud of your mature stage in life

Look back over your store of experiences through the years, and take a minute to reflect on all you’ve gained from them. Think of the lessons learned, the skills you’ve developed and the wealth of wisdom you’ve picked up in that time. Your approach to life may also be more calm and philosophical than it used to be, and that seasoned calmness is another golden gift you can bestow on younger, more impassioned souls. Youngsters may act faster and learn new skills more quickly, but the practical wisdom of the older generation will always be esteemed.

Wherever you are in your life, you have the experience to share, and the older you become, the more you’ll gain. With these often-forgotten truths in mind, you can embrace every birthday with confidence and pride.

Baxter Senior Living is a Senior Housing Community that will be located in Anchorage, Alaska off of Baxter Road. If you are seeking Anchorage Senior Housing, or Assisted Living Facilities in Alaska please contact us today to make your reservations. (907) 891-9696 or fill out our contact form and we will be in touch! contact us

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