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Assisted Living Products Improve Quality of Life

Senior Housing Anchorage

Living comfortably can become a challenge when walking, bending, and other movements are limited. Daily activities may be compromised by medical conditions or by an aging bodyís natural limitations. Fortunately, living aids addressing a variety of needs are available. Assisted living products make it possible for many seniors to live comfortably and independently whether in their own homes or in an assisted living facility.

Maintaining mobility requires movement, but getting out of a chair can be difficult with sore knees and hips. A lift chair can make it easier to stand and sit. Lift chairs are motorized and simple to operate with the touch of a button.

Moving smoothly up and forward, a lift chair takes some of the pressure off of hips and knees when moving from a sitting to a standing position. Sitting is easier as well when easing into the chair as it moves back and down. Lift chairs are available in many styles and sizes. Choosing a comfortable size and style is important and well worth the effort it takes to visit a store specializing in lift chairs.

Walkers are invaluable for many seniors, providing help with balance and support and preventing falls. Many types of walkers are available. One of the most basic is the lightweight aluminum walker that folds nearly flat. More complex walkers have features such as a seat, hand brakes, and storage areas.

Accessories for walkers are available as well, including easily attached storage totes and cup holders. Choosing an appropriate size walker and properly adjusting the height of the handles is extremely important to avoid neck and back strain.

Wheelchairs and scooters are also mobility options. As with other living aids, these come in many sizes and styles. Motorized wheelchairs and scooters provide mobility for those desiring independent mobility.

Seniors who are able to walk with a walker most of the time may find a wheelchair helpful for longer distances such as shopping and medical appointments. Lightweight, easily foldable wheelchairs can make these longer trips more manageable for seniors and their caregivers.

Whether living alone or in an assisted living facility, having the ability to call for help is essential. Push-to-call services utilize a wearable call button, usually worn on a cord around the neck or on a wrist band, for emergency assistance. These services provide 24 hour accessibility and will send help when needed.

Most assisted living facilities provide wearable call buttons for residences needing them. These are in-house call buttons that allow the user to call for immediate assistance from an on-site caregiver.

Small tools can make daily tasks more manageable. A long handled reaching tool can help people pick up items that have been dropped or are otherwise out of reach. Showers can be made safer and more convenient with a shower seat. An illuminated magnifier makes reading easier and more enjoyable.

These are just a few of the many items available for those people needing a little extra help in their daily lives. A health care professional can advise as to which items are appropriate for each individual. Quality of life is important, and life can be lived more fully and enjoyably when utilizing the many products available to assist with independent living.

Baxter Senior Living providing Senior Housing Anchorage. We will provide seniors an option to remain living in Anchorage.  If you are seeking Assisted living in Anchorage AK, or Assisted Living in Alaska please contact us today to make your reservations. Baxter Senior care is also providing Memory Care in Anchorage (907) 891-9696 or fill out our contact form and we will be in touch! contact us Learn more about Baxter Senior Living Alaska Memory Care Services and Facilities

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