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Retire in Alaska : Learn Why

“For retirees, there are other perks as well. The state doesn’t levy income or sales tax, and many cities exempt seniors from some portion of their property taxes, says Linde.  And permanent residents actually paid to live in the state, with proceeds from the Alaska Permanent Fund, which passes a percentage of royalties from oil and mineral revenues back to the community. (Annual checks range from roughly $1,000 to $2,000 per person, depending on the fund’s performance.)”

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Baxter Senior Living is a Senior Housing Community that will be located in Anchorage, Alaska off of Baxter Road. If you are seeking Anchorage Senior Housing, or Assisted Living Facilities in Alaska please contact us today to make your reservations. (907) 891-9696 or fill out our contact form and we will be in touch! Contact us today.

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