October 2020

Hello Autumn!

We are fast approaching the chilly fall season, soon termination dust will appear on the Chugach Range. We all have mixed emotions each year as our long daylight hours fade and the warm sunshine is replaced with a cool breeze and, the changing color of our trees. And the first snowfall will soon follow. As we head into the busy holiday season, this year will have a unique set of challenges as we continue with our social distancing activities. We are determine to make things fun and interesting for everyone, whatever our circumstances. You can see one of our many events featured on page 4. In October we will be busy with Oktoberfest, our 1 Year Anniver-sary, Halloween and a calendar filled with our monthly schedule. Highlights for October are on page 2, check out our calendar for additional areas that may be of interest.

Building Construction Update

Construction is nearly completed. The concrete patio deck floor will be ready for us to walk on soon, if all goes as planned. Watching the workers progress has been a source of unexpected entertainment during the process. Cranes, welding, painting and everything in-between to create a fabulous deck for entertaining in 2021 post COVID. It should be finished so we can take a few pho-tos before the snow flies and in time for us to celebrate our first anniversary at the end of the month.

Virtual Tours

We are continuing with our virtual tours for anyone interested in viewing our Baxter community.

What’s New in Marketing

Nominees for Gold Pan Award: Baxter Senior Living has been nominated for Entrepreneurial Excellence by the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce for the Gold Pan Awards! Save your Seat for this year’s Award Ceremony hosted on Zoom and keep your fingers crossed for us!

Baxter’s 1 Year Anniversary: Baxter is turning 1! Even though parties and gatherings have changed, we’re excited to share this wonderful celebration with you via Zoom. So please mark your calendars for October 24th to celebrate “A Night of Stars” with your Baxter Family and be on the lookout for our invite!

Don’t forget to leave us a positive Google Review! https://g.page/BaxterSeniorLiving/review?rc
As a new business and new home in Anchorage, word of mouth from our friends, families and neighbors is a huge help!
We also do this through reviews to get the good word out about our community! Every review makes a huge difference so that others who may need a home, care and assistance like ours can find us. If you are dissatisfied, have any concerns or questions please give us the opportunity to make things right by reaching out to us at (907) 891-9696 or emailing us at info@baxterseniorliving.com

October ZOOM events

1st, 1:00pm – Art Links 2nd Fl. Art Room
7th, 4:00pm – Technology Hour /
2nd Fl 8th, 1:00pm – Memory Café / 2nd Fl
12th, 1:00pm – Travel Chat / 2nd Fl
21st, 4:00pm – Technology Hour / 2nd Fl
See someone in Activities for additional Zoom events that may be added during the month as connections are made with facilitators.

October Upcoming Activities

  • 12:00pm on Mon. and Wed. – 2nd Fl Crafters Corner, Join us for jewelry and beading crafts, seasonal items or other fun projects.
  • Mondays at 2:30pm – Creative Writing / 2nd Fl
  • 6th, 3:00pm – Monthly Birthday Party / 3rd Fl
  • 13th, 3:00pm – Red Hat’s Group / 3rd Fl
  • 15th, 11:00am – Brain Games / 2nd Fl
  • 17th, 9:30am – FLU Clinic / 3rd Fl
  • 20th, 3:00pm – Welcome Reception / 3rd Fl
  • 23rd, 4:30pm – Celebration dinner and activities commemorating Baxter Senior Living’s 1 Year Anniversary
  • 31st, Halloween Activities throughout the day.

*Seating is prearranged and may have some limitations due to COVID-19 and 6 feet social distancing requirements. See Maria in Activities if you have any inquiries or want to sign up in advance to reserve your space at any activities.


We are still looking for a few older photos of our residents for upcoming Fall events. In November we will be celebrating Veterans Day, we have quiet a few residents who served our nation and appreciate their service. If you have a photo we could scan or for more information please contact Maria in activities 907-865-3508, email activities@baxterseniorliving.com

Deadline for content for November’s Newsletter is October 25th. Submit items to Maria in Activities.

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