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Alaska Summer Safety for Seniors – Top Summertime Health Risks for Senior Citizens

Alaska Summer Safety for Seniors

The warm summer months should be a time of fun and celebration, not a time of danger. Unfortunately, the summer months can mean danger for many senior citizens. Older people face additional risks as the weather warms up, and it is important to prepare carefully and avoid those threats. Take at look at our tips for Alaska Summer Safety for Seniors.

Whether you are a senior citizen or you are caring for an aged family member, it is important to familiarize yourself with the dangers the summer months can bring. These summertime dangers include:

  • Heat – excessive heat can cause health problems for young people as well, but senior citizens are at special risk. Seniors, especially those with pre-existing respiratory problems like asthma and COPD, are at increased risk of heat-related illnesses. If you have elderly neighbors, be sure to check on them as the temperature climbs. If you are a senior, seek out cooling centers and air conditioned spaces if you lack air conditioning in your home.
  • Sun Exposure – too much sun exposure can be bad for seniors in a number of ways. Exposure to the damaging rays of the sun can exacerbate the effects of aging, increase the risk of heat stroke and even lead to skin cancer. Seniors can protect themselves with a quality sunscreen and by limiting exposure during the hottest part of the day.
  • Outdoor Dangers Around the Home – Summertime means mowing the lawn, trimming the shrubs and other outdoor chores, and those jobs come with their own specific dangers. From exposed blades on the lawn mower to the risk of overexertion, seniors need to exercise caution when working around the home. Always wear protective clothing, including proper footwear, when mowing the lawn and working around the home.
  • Lyme Disease – Being outside means exposing yourself to the bugs of summer. While most of those creepy crawlies are harmless, others can be dangerous. Ticks can carry Lyme disease, which can cause serious health problems for seniors. Performing a daily tick check is one of the best ways to prevent Lyme disease – the risk of infection is much higher after the exposed tick has been attached for 24 hours.
  • Food Poisoning – Summertime means backyard barbecues and lots of food, but seniors need to watch out for food poisoning. Always store leftovers properly, including refrigerating potato salad, deviled eggs and other summertime treats.
  • Eye Damage – Exposure to ultraviolet rays can make existing eye problems like macular degeneration that much worse. Seniors should protect their eyes by wearing quality sunglasses when working outdoors in the summer heat.

The summer months are filled with fun and wonderful things to see and do. Seniors can enjoy all those great activities safely, as long as they take a few simple precautions. Understanding the risks posed by the summer heat is the first step toward having a safe and happy summer season.

Baxter Senior Living is a Senior Housing Community that will be located in Anchorage, Alaska off of Baxter Road. If you are seeking Anchorage Senior Housing, or Assisted Living Facilities in Alaska please contact us today to make your reservations. (907) 891-9696 or fill out our contact form and we will be in touch! contact us

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